
Friday, April 17, 2015

Garden Report

The Bleeding Hearts are blooming.

We've had a rainy week that actually only served up an inch and a half all week.

The garden is coming along quite well this year. I have transitioned over to raised beds entirely. I have to say that they are a lot easier to keep up with.

I am launching a new line of ebooks about gardening called Sow it - Grow it - Serve it. They will be short books, almost a pamphlet, about 1 vegetable from seed to harvest to recipes with lots of pictures.

Part of my mission here is to introduce people to gardening and good food that they can grow for themselves. The other part is that I like the option to pick and choose. I have plenty of gardening books and cookbooks that I bought for a chapter or specific recipe. Being able to purchase just that chapter or recipe would have made me happy. Also I like pictures. Show don't tell, right?

Swiss chard will be the first one. I hope to have it published by May 1st. Check the blog for the upcoming books. I plan to keep publishing them throughout the year.

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