This is my first series. As I get underway with book 2, I am learning a lot about planning. I do keep a "bible" of information about the world, the characters, etc. But there are things that I didn't foresee.
In thinking through a scene for book 2, I realized I already set the seeds in the first book. The published one. Which means that although it isn't set in stone, it's already out there. So I should stick with the initial hint. When I went back through book 1, I found that the seeds were vague enough that I could tweak my new scene in the direction I had hoped to go. Whew!
There are a lot of things that I blithely threw out in book 1 that now restricts what I can do in book 2.
I had a vague overview of how the series would proceed. I see now that I need to get a better handle on that before I write myself into the proverbial corner.
Over the past week I have been doing more world building, off the page. I had to do a lot of research and translate that into my world. You can find the strangest things on the internet. I've been looking into the structure of government and food production factories and how satellites work. A lot of miscellaneous information that may never get on the page. But I need to know it to make educated extrapolations for the story.
I thought I was stuck. The scenes were rambling along aimlessly. Then I did my research. Now I have a whole new arsenal of ideas for shaping this story. I think my reader will appreciate the time spent away from writing.
A strong attention to detail really can make or break how well you can visualise the book and its credibility. The more I read, the more I admire the author's work and appreciate the vast amount of research which needs to go into certain elements of a book, whether it's by the author or a dedicated researcher.