
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Where do I start?

I am rewriting a story...from scratch. I know the shape of it. I know where it needs to go. And eventually, I will probably steal a couple of scenes from previous incarnations. But I just can't get started.

They say start as close to the end as possible. OK. I have jettisoned a big chunk of writing that was mostly set up, character introduction, setting, blah, blah, blah. Done. We will start with the first murder. A good place to start for a mystery.

Partly to simplify this one, and partly as an exercise, I am going to keep this in only 1 POV. That's going to be very tough for me. I think I know the character well enough, so that won't be hard. It'll be figuring out how to tell the parts of the story that were in others POVs. But I think this story will work better this way.

So I have all of this swirling around in my head and still no way to start it.

I've let it percolate for a few days. Now I'm ready to get some ink on the page, but nothing is coming out. Ugh. I'll have to throw down some placeholders and scene descriptions and come back to it.

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